Thursday, 24 May 2007

Day 12 - Alness to John O’Groats

With the cup final beckoning the boys got off to an early start today and made a storming pace along the North Eastern coastline. A pit stop lunch break in the back of the van kept delays to a minimum and all were soon back on the road. The team were graced by another fine day of Scottish sunshine as they made their way along the last few miles of undulating coastal road. With a couple of good climbs and some sharp downhill the speed record increased to 48mph.

Matt was eager to break a few more records and successfully achieved the titles of first crash and most spectacular crash as his front wheel collided with Arthur’s rear tyre. Fortunately though he survived in tact and to save further injury to pride we all promised not to take the micky or tell anyone else….OK, failed on both accounts there, sorry Matt! Then shortly after this, to add insult to injury, Matt had another blow-out.

Having made a cracking pace, the boys stopped at Tesco’s Café in Wick for one last brew before finishing the final leg of this epic journey. Over the last hill with a fantastic view of the Orkney Isles ahead, we rolled down to John O’Groats – HOORAH!!! - to be warmly welcomed by Walter, the watch manager of John O’Groats retained fire station. A champagne finish, obligatory photo’s and some fine Highland malt (thanks Walter) saw the boys retire happily to the hotel bar, where even the football result couldn’t dampen spirits!!!

Well, for this cycle blog… that’s all folks!!! However for WFG08 it’s only just beginning. A huge THANK YOU for all the help and fantastic support from our sponsors and our colleagues up and down the entire length of mainland UK. We’re looking forward to welcoming you all to Liverpool next year for the best World Firefighter Games ever, where we absolutely guarantee you all a fantastic sporting experience and some unforgettable parties!!!

See you there!!!!

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