Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Day 5

How embarrasing is it when the maid opens your room door in the morning and says "it stinks in here" before scurrying off? Don't know? Ask Matt and Alan and they'll tell you!!!!
Three fire stations to visit today - Hereford, Leominster (pronounced Lemster we were indignantly informed!!) and Shrewsbury our final destination. The face-face, grass roots meetings are going really well and its amazing how much interest there is in the Games out there! Lets hope words are translated into deeds and they start registering next month!
If Arthur were a dog he would be the proud owner of the biggest territory in dog-kind; he seems to see it as a life's ambition to mark his terrirory in the usual manner at worryingly frequent intervals and in the most public of places!! but he reminds us of the fact that top athletes like ourselves need to keep well hydrated.
I'll have to tell you this one Kathy. I looked at the postings for Day 3 Blog and there was one from Jon. Not recognising the name I asked the whole team whether they knew him. Matt's response was I can't even remember going to Taunton and I certainly don't know anyone called Jon!! Something triggered in my mind then and I said to Matt "Isn't your brother who we met in Taunton called Jon?" A red faced "oh yes" followed. Sorry Jon if you're reading; he did say he had a great night with you!!
This was a full 75 mile for yours truly and I marked it with a "spectacular" to rival Andy's of 2 days previous. We were literally 50 meters from the "Welcome to Shrewsbury" sign when I failed miserably to get my feet out of the clips and crashed to the ground like a tree being felled right in front of a car that was just pulling off from the lights! Fortunately, the young girl behind the wheel was quick to react and so it was just grazed a knee and ego. Must finish with a big RESPECT for Andy who as I write (1031pm) has still not returned from his leg that he missed whilst behind the wheel!! Top effort Andy!!


Ang said...
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Ang said...

Hi everyone,

Half way, amazing how fast it's gone, hope you all feel ok and are looking forward to your rest day,it's done nothing but rain here, so I hope it's drier were you all are.

Ang x x x x

Jon said...

Hi guys

Are you sure it wasnt Matt who fell off his bike onto his head?

Keep peddling

Lesley (FSNBF) said...

Hi Guys

Hope you are all having a great time, and that you are all being polite, well mannered, sober and not very smelly.... (some hope for the later one).

Enjoy and take care

Love Lesley